mosseater wrote:
I keep mine in a big blue Rubbermaid tote up in the front compartment. That's one reason I bought the trailer with the big doors. Works well for me. When I do go to a park with water hookups, I don't even have to take the whole hose out of the tote. Just the length I need and the rest stays in the tote under the slide out. Keeps it clean and handy.
I currently do the same, I have a tote for water, tote for sewer, tote for blocks, and tote for misc. Problem is the tote I need is always in the back so I have to remove all the totes. Was just thinking that if I hung the sewer hose and water hose under the trailer thats 2 less totes plus I gain a bunch of storage room. Sewer hose really has to go as I'm afraid I will be smelling it when it warms up in the summer since its under the bed and since I don't want anything else in the tote with the sewer hose there is a lot of waisted space. I am also thinking of doing the slider box in my front compartment which would take care of stuff always being in the back plus give me more room instead of waisting tote space.