If you are sticking purely with 12vDC devices, amp-hr is fine for most uses. Technically batteries don't stay exactly at 12v but for most uses, it's close enough.
If you are changing voltages or to AC, watt-hr makes more sense. Otherwise, it's critical to specify X amps @ Y volts.
But for heaven's sake, don't say I used 20 amps or 5000 watts yesterday and need to replace them in my battery bank or worse 20amp/hr.
- The first is an instantaneous measure of output. Without knowing how long you were drawing of the batteries, you have no clue how much was used.
- The second is the rate of change in output (ie: I started drawing 10amps but over an hour it gradually rose to 30amps, so the rate of change is 20amp/hr) Largely a nonsense figure as most electrical loads do not change at a steady rate.