Whoops, so the situation returns to foggy this morning. There is more going on then just getting the voltage under a 13.2 as is indicated by the modification instructions. I had the voltage at the connection of the converter to the bus bar under 13.2 for almost 5 minutes. It then continued ramping up fairly fast to about 13.5, maybe 20 more minutes, and then ramped up slowly to 13.59 after 2 hours. I got bored. My unit is never going to go into 14.4 volts in any realistic instalation. Perhaps there is a need for more current at the same time as low voltage or whatever but as there enough people seeing it going to 14.4 for only short periods this indicates to me that getting boost is more complex than is worth figuring out. I'll stay with carrying a second battery and external charger, for now amyway. There does appear to be room for one of my group 31 agms beside the converter, that would be useful given the existing wiring us losing a fair fraction of the voltage.