beemerphile1 wrote:
The WFCO 8725P that I installed in place of the original Elixir ELX-20 works fine and I have no complaints.
The Elixir failed when one year old, the WFCO is now 5 years old and the batteries are 4 years old.
IT has been written that every company, no matter how good,turns out the occasional lemon..
And Every company no matter how BAD,the occasional gold nugget
Even Progressive Dynamics has turned out the odd bad one..Which they promptly replaced under Warranty.
WFCO occasionally gets one right... Odds are about the same..
Most folks go to Las Vegas, put money in the slot and at the end of the day ...Go home with less than when they arrived.
Every once in a great while..they put their last dollar in the slot and go home a Millionaire.
Like you.. They got lucky.