Forum Discussion

  • MOV's?

    Shirley you jest...

    This critter uses a full isolation transformer. MOV suppresses about .1% of possible line transients the other suppresses 99.9% of line transients. For electrical noise, hash and other transients, hot-neutral-ground, NOTHING beats an isolation transformer. Couple the transformer to line voltage regulation and you end up with a genuine "Surge Suppressor" not a gimmick.

    I posted this solely to give folks an idea of what a genuine surge suppressor does for a living. Stepped voltage correction is one thing but a linear constant regulated voltage is another. An Auto Transformer does not do a damned thing to suppress transient voltages. Using Metal Oxide Varistors and saying they protect electronics is like donning a sweater and claiming it will protect against a dynamite blast.

    My post was not intended to try and sell folks on the idea of using a genuine power conditioning device as they are very expensive. One of those "power pedestal boxes" is better than nothing, but to protect electronics, use an isolation transformer downstream from a voltage correction device. Voltage transients EAT silicon components little by little, spike by spike.
  • Looks more like a power conditioner then a surge suppressor, where are the MOVs??

    David Kb7uns
  • Looked at 'Typical Applications' in the pdf file. Didn't see anything about RVs :h