The adjustable voltage charger allow one to goose voltage on a floating battery to absorption voltage easily, and an ammeter then reveals what is what.
I have, on the screwy31 and the northstarAGM-27, goosed voltage from 13.2v to 14.7v, and the amperage that the battery accepted revealed that somehow the battery was somehow being slightly depleted by DC loads, even when being floated at 13.2v. Not sure how, but data does not lie.
Now the screwy31 is out of the loop, but I float the NS at 13.6v, and goosing it to 14.7v when it has been floating for a while, shows amps quickly tapering back below 0.4, Usually back to 0.0a indicating that 13.6v float seems to not allow dc loads to pull anything from the battery, but 13.2v floating does.
0.0a is obviously 0.0X amps, I just do not have an ammeter with that resolution I am willing to hook inline to test the X. My AGM will eventually taper to 0.0x at any reasonable voltage given enough time.
My Northstar AGM seems happiest when 40 amps are applied from 50% DOD until 14.7v is reached, and 14.7v is held until amps taper to 0.3a, then float at 13.6v. At 77f of course. i do twiddle my absorption and float settings for battery temperature somewhat, but my ambient temps are pretty mild in general.
40 amps does warm the 90Ah battery significantly so 14.7v is lowered a bit when battery gets above 80f. Ambient temps play a huge part in the heating.