I always get them after they break. Dumbing down means cattle-like acceptance of inferior products or services. If this gizmo was worth snot the Chinese would still be pumping them out. Stuff like likes comes and stuff like this goes on eBay and Amazon.
If the Borg is a jury-rig setup then I'm a Tibetan Sherpa. Harbor Freight offered a good charger but without a timer. Hooking its power cord to a timer is probably the easiest thing a person could do AND IT WOULD NOT BLOW UP AFTER TWO MONTHS. Do ya forget about a turkey roasting in the oven at 375F?
Couple a 36-amp Megawatt to a 4-hour wind up timer. An Intermatic. Ninety bucks including the plastic receptacle box and pair of Romex clamps. 10 gage Ching Chong jumper cables are another what (?) ten bucks? Cut, strip, and fasten to the Megawatt terminal strip.
Is this so hard? Christ I have one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel and I can set this up diddling within 2 hours time. Use Black silicone sealer to safety seal the Megawatt terminal block from prying fingers.
Think 14.8 might be a little too high of finishing voltage? Tweak it back to 14.5. The pot is wide open access on the front next to the terminal block. Don't want 14.5? OK set it to 14.0 and you have exactly the same thing as a an alternator charging 24/7 if you wish. Want 13.3 for storage? Want exactly 14.4 for an AGM battery? Want to equalize? It's all there and the 4-hour timer just about goof-proofs charging. How many thousands percent more reliable is this setup? I'll put it this way, it'll be dancing on the grave of your next five PHART CHARGERS :) :) :)