dahkota wrote:
BFL13 wrote:
You can get the inverter to not alarm off until at a lower SOC by using shorter/fatter wires between it and the battery bank.
I see a 0.8v drop while running a load that pulls 90 amps from the battery bank of four wet 6s. This means I can be at 12.2v to start and it will stay above the 11.0v alarm point. (Allows for the initial drop to 11.4 and then some for decline while load is running)
Ah - I have my alarm set at 11.9. The 90 or so amps my pot pulls causes a .5V drop with AGMs. Can I really run the volts that low without damaging anything?
Yes. the inverter alarms when you are at a "loaded voltage" which does not count for battery life. The usual 12.x "limit" for 50% is at "resting voltage" (but you can go lower without harm a few times--see a graph of cycles vs depth of discharge for your model of battery)
So like smk says, you can go to 11v loaded and it will go back to higher than that. If it won't go back to higher than 12.x, then it is recharge time as soon as "generator hours" start at your campground.
Yes, AGMs can take more load with less voltage drop than Wets. Means if you have a small RV that can only carry two batts you can stay above inverter alarm with two AGMs and you don't have to find space/ weight for four Wets.