Cummins12V98 wrote:
Ralph Cramden wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
BobsYourUncle wrote:
Stick to ABS for all your drain stuff.
That's what it's made for.
I've never measured it but the wall on ABS is at least twice as thick as PVC.
2 different plastics here, and each designed for different purposes.
You can throw a chunk of ABS off a building and won't hurt it much.
Forget the PVC for the purpose you describe.
Drain fittings and more are all designed to fit with ABS, not PVC
Are you a plumber?
Just because someone slings some s**t does not automatically make them a plumber.
You acknowledge SH!T runs downhill and payday is on Fridays, you are a Plumber!
Along with hot's on the left and cold's on the right, and don't chew your finger nails. Plenty of concrete pros on these RV boards also. They know it usually comes in a truck LOL.