Wayne Dohnal wrote:
Not to mention, to the best of my knowledge, RVs aren't bound by the NEC code.
They most certainly are, as stated in 90.2(A)(1).
I realize that applicable ordinances, not the NEC, does the binding, but NEC itself says it applies just as much to RVs as to anything else. Article 551 is additional info specifically for RVs, on top of everything else.
IMPORTANT "realization"!..;)
*NOT* "bound" by NEC - *UNLESS* the code is adopted by the/a jurisdiction by local ordinance - at which time it becomes the applicable code for that jurisdiction.
Same for the UBC, UFC, etc.
Regular procedure in the city where I worked to either continue with the existing (already adopted) codes -or- make whatever modifications to the new code/s when a newer one was issued.
The newer edition then was adopted (with our addendums)- and became the new code in force.
It then became the (City or County name) Electrical Code, Building Code, Fire Code, etc.
Some cities - such as Los Angeles, New York, etc. - develop and publish their own codes from "scratch".