Darklock wrote:
Our plans are for spending a month or two next winter in south Texas and Arizona, trying to stay where it is warm enough not to need furnace. If nights are cold and we need to run furnace, we do have a Honda generator for use if needed, but since a lot of our days are spent out roaming we need something passive for general use that also charges while on the road. I always thought that while towing, the vehicle would keep the charge up, but recently learned that this not the case. Still learning about the whole camper thing.
You may want to plan on running your furnace during a winter in the Southwest or in the Texas Rio Grande area. Last winter in Quartzsite, AZ, I set my thermostat at 58°F and went through a 20 pound tank of propane every two weeks for much of December & January. As to power, while I don't run a generator, I have a pair of 100 amp hour lithium batteries & 480 watts of solar. This is in a 21' fiberglass trailer - not the best insulated, but fairly small. It was rare to run the furnace during the day, but the nights get cold!