Your timing is great. We are in Palmer, Alaska and the park has no cable. Well of course we lost use of our Direct deal somewhere down in Canada. All the channels here are OTA from Anchorage and digital. Well since we very rarely use the antenna, when we did raise the aerial and our screen was blank. Thought a moment, ah, digital bit us. So we were in Anchorage and I bought the Wineguard Wingman upgrade. Put it on last evening, about five minutes, daylight to midnight, so no rush. Well it brought in some stations but also didn't bring in some that were listed on the CG listing. So today I go across the road and get a Jack (brand name). Sort of a delta winged shaped head, small. About another five minutes removing the Wingman that I put on yesterday and mounting the Jack which is a direct replacement for the Wineguard head which was about another five minutes. We went from 10 stations to 18. The trailer never moved so we are comparing apples to apples. Just my experience.