Here is another good reason for changing the old CRT TV and installing lighter smaller footprint LED flat panel sets, they have a signal strength meter built in the software. I have two Insignia sets, they are very inexpensive and in addition to features never dreamed of for CRT types they use very little power. I usually run a search and then set the antenna by the signal strength meter. Sometimes I can find a channel (different station)that is the same as the last location and the set the signal, After I set the antenna with the meter, I rerun the search.
I can usually get close to the correct location by looking at the antenna of other rigs around me and then fine tune. No need for an external meter or an app on a smart phone(I have a dumb phone so no apps) or an app on a computer or pad.
Other features of the new sets include, what input you are using and what inputs are available. For instance under the heading is TV, if you click on that you get a choice of antenna or cable and in some software, VCR, under HDMI you can pick which plug you want. In my S&B I have the cable and the BluRay on separate HDMI cables, so I see HDMI 1 and 2.
I do not have the Wingman and so far haven't needed it, locating and programing the available stations is so easy now, I usually get more stations than the networks which we watch normally.
As an aside, don't buy two sets that use the same remotes. The DGKs and sometimes the DW will be in the bedroom and mess with the TV in the living room, changing channels, muting or other absolutely unnecessary things. ;)