bobsallyh wrote:
About another five minutes removing the Wingman that I put on yesterday and mounting the Jack which is a direct replacement for the Wineguard head which was about another five minutes. We went from 10 stations to 18. The trailer never moved so we are comparing apples to apples. Just my experience.
The jack is a "Wide beam" and the Batwing with Wingman a "Narrow beam" what this means is pointing is more critical with the batwing.
As I tell folks.. Imagine going to a play,, You have a seat a long way from the stage, so you break out Opera glasses and suddenly you are "3 times closer" as a TV add for Zoomies claims (they are basically opera glasses.
Now far back as you are you can still see the full stage, but you'd like to be "Closer" so you trade your 3x Opera Glasses for a set of 8X field glasses, now you are 8 times closer (1/8th the distance) BUT... You can only see half the stage.
This is because by increasing the "Range" the field glasses narrowed the field of vision.
Same with TV antennas,, The Jack is like the opera glasses
The Batwing with wingman... Field glasses, More range, less width.
In another thread I mentioned I proved Height is Might...
IN the campground I am at just now the router is in/on the laundry room.
Then there is a grass field
Then there are several rows of Sites, I'm in the 3rd row
Folks in the 1st row, about 2/3 as far from the router as I, connect to the park via the channel changing repeater in my RV.. WHY, because they can not see the park's router.... But I CAN.. WHY.
I use a Linksys WGA 54G.. Modified so the antenna is very highly directionsal (narrow beam width) and mounted 25-24 feet up a flagpole.
I have both HEIGHT and GAIN on that antenna,, And that means MIGHT
Signal strength on the parks' extender hit 70 percent of my limiters yestarday,, I can connect to any detectable signal, and connect and repeat anyting over 20.