BFL13 wrote:
What happens with the Trimetric? It will do the 24v batteries ok, but will the ground for the 24-12v converter mess up the Tri for total draw by not going through its shunt?
If the 24-12 drew straight from the batts (neg via Tri shunt) it would be fine, but here you are maybe by-passing the shunt by going to the frame for its neg.
Don't have a Tri but do have a simple Ah meter with a shunt on the neg post of the batts. It can handle the voltage.
Looking at it "globally" no matter where I connect the neg lead from the 24-12 converter, as long as it's on the chassis side of the shunt (NOT the battery side), the current will have to flow thru the shunt to get to the battery. There's no other way it can get back to the batts.