I am MOST interested in products that in fact need a warranty. The epitome of the "Best Warranty"
Exchanged 6 times in 5 years. 2-times while on vacation, both were two hundred dollar tow jobs off the freeway. One time in a remote national park by a company that does not accept insurance ($375) the second time it took five days for a truck to arrive. Another time the parts store was out of stock
No warranty and six years of trouble-free service just like the new factory starter.
One of these scenarios will appeal to the person who drives 15 miles across town to save twenty five cents per gallon on gasoline.
Their inverters cost more, but Outback has unrivaled history of fewest warranty claims. My 1993 2500 SB Trace inverter sort of reassures me I chose wisely over Trace's competition. And outback was the destination for Trace's top engineers when they learned that XANTREX bought out Trace. They fled in droves. Xantrex downgraded Trace's FETs and transformer's to Junk status, to save a few dollars.
My Samlex is heavy and trouble free doing very occasional work.
It took me twenty six dollars to upgrade my Megawatt to the point where I can SHORT CIRCUIT the output leads and eventually the 1200 watts of input circuit board fuse fails. My least concern is that I damaged something.
Concentrate only on price and warranty and lose your hind end, part of both legs and most of your colon.