Cummins12V98 wrote:
FishOnOne wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
Make sure it has AMZ/OIL in it top to bottom.
Where's that API label 12V? Yeah... Another long story!
Not worth the cost.
How about my friends 13 RAM went 23 0r 24k and Blackstone said to go 1 or 2 k longer next time. He is at 28k now and I will show report when I get it if anyone is interested.
Not interested in the report ,but do have to wonder what is the point of pushing oil to that many miles , even going thru the hassle of getting an oil sample , getting it sent in , waiting for results etc etc .I know this subject has been beat to death , but it escapes me what is the reasoning. Only thing I could possibly think of is the health of the motor thru testing , IF something is suspected . Why not just 15K like Ram recommends , or reasonable amount of time like I do ?
I am a low mileage guy oil change ,once a year now, along with fuel filters etc . As far as how far someone can go with any good quality oil ,it would probably match whatever AMZ/OIL will go .