there is ZERO chance that ANY gasser pickup has anywhere near the holding power of a comparable diesel with a good exhaust brake.
Pretending a gaz engine descends the mountain as well as a diesel is
So the gods have spoken! No need to run any side by each comparison, because it is true.
I'm not prepared to say it is not true, but I question that it is*
It's always the same issue on a clear sunny day in light traffic everything is always fine.
But on a rainy, windy, day in heavy traffic or whenever conditions are not ideal having the optimum equipment makes a difference.
The 2005 Duramax did not have a factory exhaust brake.
Compare that 05 Duramax or that 8.1 to a a modern diesel with a OEM exhaust brake and you will find there is a significant difference in slowing power going down the grade.
These 2 ideas kinda show 1 comparison nobody makes. If the parts that give a gas engine it's ability to slow the vehicle fail, it likely will not start. If it did start, be near impossible to drive with constant WFO.
OTOH, what happens when you are dropping down a grade, discover the control circuit to exhaust brake died?
My buzzin dozen sold in a '67 Pete had exhaust brake on each bank, from factory. But they did not become common until they started selling diesel powered pickups. Was that because a gas engine was better at whoaing the load than diesel that did not have one? I know that as soon as they installed them they started to advertise how great they are.
*Now as to why I question there would be a great difference when compared like sized engine/gears/loads. There is no doubt at all adding exhaust brake makes a huge difference on the diesel. And I have retrofitted EB in a gravel parking lot, so factory engineers could do it in their sleep. The fact that manufactures are not installing, and advertising "We have exhaust brake" implies there would be no gain to installing one on gas engine. The only reason I can see for EB not to increase the whoa, would be stopping air from going in works nearly as well as stopping it from coming out.