I think we have had this discussion before. Is tesla the number one selling car in the world? Despite Elon's claims, No, it isn't.
Is Tesla Model Y World’s Best-Selling Car? Nope, Not Even Close (autoweek.com)
Despite the massive government (tax dollars) infused capital to propel Elon to the richest person in the world, and all the hype and mandates, appetite for EV's still isn't there. As evidenced by the recent pull back from most auto manufacturers. Tesla might be the most valuable manufacturer, but it's done with tax dollars not car sales.
I have nothing against EV's but facts matter. facts manipulated to provide the illusion to support an argument or to coerce buyers. If you love EV's, great for you. But the reality is, if they are to overtake a proven platform like ICEs, hybrids, or efficient diesels, they need to be much much better. And more importantly, people need to want them more than ICE's.
The evidence is spelled out in the OP's observation. More gas stations are being built than EV charging stations. Pretty straightforward. Supply, demand.