Forum Discussion

d1h's avatar
Nomad III
Jan 03, 2024

New gas stations everywhere

If we are heading to an all electric future why is it everywhere I go I see new gas stations being built? Some are huge with rows and rows of gas pumps. Don't seem to see any charging stations being built. Is  the electric revolution going to die and ICE will remain king?

  • Just announced in Detroit free press that one half of ford dealers will not sell any full electric EV vehicles in 2024. Cheers.

    • Reisender's avatar

      Sounds like Ford is having a problem producing a good price competitive product. Hopefully they will figure it out. Maybe a direct to consumer sales model is needed. 

      • Reality_Check's avatar
        Nomad II

        Reisender wrote:

        Sounds like Ford is having a problem producing a good price competitive product. Hopefully they will figure it out. Maybe a direct to consumer sales model is needed. 

        Sounds like Ford figured out that they don't have to play the game.  None of the EV's are "competitive" it one removes the tax incentives/government subsidies.  Every heard of the term ROI?  It drives business, as it should. 



    Thousands of car dealers have a potent warning for electric vehicle enthusiasts

    Celebrity Motor Cars CEO said that consumers are just not ready for EVs.

    The Street News


      • MastEvac71's avatar

        Well Mr.  many business news and auto news (recent) articles speak for themselves for those that can read plain English.  1/3 of cadillace dealers will not accept EVs or they will shut down if forced to.  Evidently EV folks don't ever read auto news, Bloomberg, WSJ, Barrons, etc., etc.  Shoot the messenger never changes anything sport. I could care less about convincing anyone but there are two sides to every issue.  Most EV owners have a reliable ICE vehicle for important functions such as long distance trips but never admit it on social forums.  Hypocrites.

        The 3 major auto makers have drastically scaled back EV truck production due to lack of consumer demand. Just the news. Trying to force high priced EVs down the throats of consumers with mandates is not working I am happy to say.  Many millions of Americans live in condos and apartments without charging stations so no home charging for the poor souls. 


  • The vast majority of EV charging is done at home in the driveway. 

    On road trips we use superchargers or other branded DC fast chargers.  The growth of new charging locations is strong where we are. But 1 out of 4 vehicles sold here is electric so that’s kind of expected. 

    Glad to see more trailer friendly charge locations being built as well. We also charge a lot in campgrounds if they are serviced. Some have dedicated charge facilities that are either pay by app or flat fee and others (most) are complimentary. 

    We have toured all over Canada and extensively in BC. BC and Quebec have the best infrastructure at this point. 


  • We all have to remember that just before Covid 19 hit, the oil industry told us we had decades of oil remaining. Now the say we are running out now. It's hard to have any faith in what they tell us.

  • d1h wrote:

    If we are heading to an all electric future why is it everywhere I go I see new gas stations being built? Some are huge with rows and rows of gas pumps. Don't seem to see any charging stations being built. Is  the electric revolution going to die and ICE will remain king?

    Because reality is just that;  completely impossible to switch to all EV in 5, 10, 20, 30 years like some would like you to believe.  Run the numbers just to charge 10,000 big trucks.  You'd have to build a huge hydro project to do just that, and, AND, get the infrastructure built to get the stations in place.  It's a wet dream, a tall tale, an imaginative solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

    Stated by a guy that loves innovation, free market and margins that offer opportunity.  But not blind rhetoric and those that follow it...


  • Wishful thinking, but the reason is there's money to be made. Mega stations like Buc-ee's, Maverick, maybe even Wawa, and even truck stops like Love's and Pilot have become tourist attractions where you buy gas. Pull in, park at the pump, gas up, and go shopping! The lion's share of the money is made inside the store. Unique food choices, convenience items for the locals, souvenirs... it's big bucks, and the competition is heating up.

    • notsobigjoe's avatar
      Nomad III

      I agree.  Our country does well with capitalism it always has, but your points are solid. I would think after all these electric car problems are worked out they will be viable for actual road travel.  from what I see now that's a way off yet. We managed to take a V8 and make it somewhat mileage friendly so I don't know why we couldn't do the same with electric cars. BUT, and it's a big BUT!  Nothing should be mandated by anyone for any reason. If I want a gasser I should be able to get one and the same goes for an EV.

  • People are just diving a lot and there is still far more ICE vehicles both on the road and being purchased than electric vehicles.  Since cars last an average of about 12 years these days EVs have a lot of catching up to do.  Tesla is building chargers as fast as they can go though.  Several have opened near me in the past year.  The rate is expected to pick up rapidly as Tesla now qualifies for government financial assistance and virtually every EV made will be built to accept Tesla chargers by the end of the year.  Competitive charging stations are picking up the pace as well.  

    Tesla charge stations don't put up big signs to attract your attention.  That is not needed as the cars already know where the chargers are.  Since charging still takes longer than fueling Tesla places most of their chargers in parking lots where food and activities are available to help pass the time while holding down Tesla's building costs.  If you are not looking for a row of chargers in parking lots you may never see them.  Also, the vast majority of charging for most EV owners is done at home.  I have about 30,000 miles on my Tesla and it has been to public charge stations less than 20 times.  Most of the time it just charges while I am sleeping.  No lost time or mileage getting to gas stations.  

    Tesla North American charging stations 

    The red dots on the map are Superchargers and the grey dots are destination chargers.  The charging costs at most destination chargers is paid by the destination to promote their business.  They are only about 5% as fast as a Supercharger but have no trouble getting the job done over night.

    You can manipulate the map to zoom in to any area you are interested in.


  • ICE remaining king might be a bit of a stretch. But there are multiple millions of ICE vehicles on the road and they are not going to disappear anytime soon.

  • d1h wrote:

    If we are heading to an all electric future why is it everywhere I go I see new gas stations being built? Some are huge with rows and rows of gas pumps. Don't seem to see any charging stations being built. Is  the electric revolution going to die and ICE will remain king?

    The new charging stations are being built. It will take some time. You can even find them down in Q Arizona this year. 

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