Tire max is based legally at 509 lbs per inch width of tire, or 20k lbs max per axle! Manufactures "warranty" ratings be danged!
Reality, the axle rating is the lowest measure of components. Your tires are good to 15000 lbs at 80 psi. So your warranty performance rating is probably based on springs, or rim capacity.
My navadtar RA is rated to 12200. Due to the four stock tires. My rims are rated to 12600. Springs, axles and brakes to 16500. Legally I was at 19200 per Washington State patrol. Changed out tires to a lower height, wider tire, I'm now at 16000 in tires, I get the max legal rating of 20000. I've been pulled over above the front and rear axle ratings, under federal bridge law ratings, I have yet to get an overnight ticket. Even the time I was 1000 lbs over my paid for gvw. I was given a 10 day up my gvw by 2000lbs.
Reality, you tire capacity is fine!
I can twist your question to many answers depending upon if you worried about warranty, or legal ratings. Reality, assuming you live in a state as I do, you buy tonnage for amount your running down the road, buy enough to cover your total weight! That's ALL a Leo will care about.