Most independent agents I've spoken to (off-the-record, of course), say USAA, overall, offers the best value and service. With that being said, there's bad press about everything these days--including USAA. Through the years I've had claims with most of the major insurance companies at one time or another. All good experiences. However, I've found USAA to be a step above in terms of their very efficient (and fair) claims process.
Ref the use of OEM parts, to my knowledge, nearly all insurance companies start using aftermarket parts once a vehicle reaches a certain age. USAA would only accept estimates with aftermarket pricing for our '16 Ram 3500 when it was damaged by a sandstorm last year. Quickly learned that many local dealers will often supply OEM parts at aftermarket prices on a case-by-case basis. Unless you take the time to coordinate this, most body shops will just use aftermarket parts. It's very important to retain OEM parts if the parts in question are still covered by an existing (or extended) OEM warranty.