Forum Discussion

Grit_dog's avatar
Feb 27, 2024

Who misses the Tow Vehicle discussions?

It’s a bummer. All the new good and mis-information has ceased. RIP tow rig forum…..
  • mkirsch's avatar
    Feb 29, 2024

    It's been on a steady decline for the past 20 years. When I joined in 2004 there was at least a page of threads that were either new threads or had new responses. Even while we were still on the old forum last December, the number of new/updated threads had dwindled to less than a handful a day, and most of those were being kept alive by the usual pot-stirrers. 

    Now most of the usual pot-stirrers have gone "full old man," taken their balls and bats, and gone home, because of the new forum.

    After two months I feel I've given the new site a fair shake, and I'm coming down on the side of the grumpy old men who passed judgement on day one. I don't like it. and if you know me I'm one of the most open minded, least fussy, most adaptable people you'll ever meet, so that's saying something.