Forum Discussion
I got 2 Forrest Rivers. My big one is 39 foot Cherokee and I had a big diesal GMC that I loved. But the front something broke and went tru oil filter and leaked all my oil out. I was supposedly getting a new motor put in but somehow its ended in Crusher. But Ford had some bad years and when I was delivering RVS a lot of the guys had Dodge trucks for the big campers. But mine was GMC and I did ok out west 6percent up and down. Out in Calif I hit some really steep mountains and messed the brakes and on my truck and camper. But I got a 1500 Chevy truck gas. But i got them fixed but abou $750 each. If u could survive in smaller camper and smaller truck thats how I would go. That big camper is so stressful on these mountain roads. Now I live in Tenn and just started camping again last year when I sold my house. But Goodsam used to have a article about what to take on your trips which helped me a lot. Cause you need those things u put in road so people wont run over you if u have breakdown. But campingworld . They used to have campouts with sponsers giving classes on different topics. Solar Panels Tires cleaning I learned a lot in the classes but experience does it all