Forum Discussion

Motard112's avatar
Sep 17, 2013

? On dry camping for 2 nights propane use?

Well we are goin to do some dry camping tomorrow for the end of the season last camp before storage. So I have 2 20 gal propane tanks .right now 1 tank is about a quarter filled and the other i under half filled. I have done some dry camping but never payed attention to propane use since they were pretty much full when dry my question is: it's goin to be in the hi 30's - low 40's at night , will my remaining propane last 2 nights using the furnace set at 68 degrees?we will only have 1 bed opened . The other will stay closed . But I will be using the hot water heater sparingly and the fridge will be running.i kno the battery will make it do to experience with dry camping what does everyone think?