johninedmonton wrote:
Well, you may want to check on the California emissions laws. They will be changing in 2016, and requiring ALL non-commercial vehicles to meet a minimum standard unless they are used for certain specific (read: non-road) purposes. To register your vehicle beyond a certain age (I admittedly don't know the age requirement) you will have to pass an emissions test. So if you sell your '95 7.3L the new owner will have to get it passed to register it in California.
In 2018 a similar requirement will be placed on commercial vehicles as well. It's part of changes made by the FTA (Federal Transport Act) in 2011, as driven by the Kyoto accords.
Many other states will be passing similar changes to comply with this federal requirement.
I research these laws for big companies for a living, I have literally 100's of hours of research and meetings logged on this particular subject.
Oh and Turtle, I don't deny that a duramax will last a long time; likely as long as a bullet proofed 6.0l powerstroke. I just can't seem to find a large SUV with a duramax in it. If you know of some, please enlighten us!
This is not 2016. I'v seen laws threatened in this state and then never come to pass. Ca may try to outlaw diesels in 2019 so should I not get one just because they are threatening a law in a few years?
I have no idea what new laws are going to be enacted in a few years and frankly neither do you. You might know what laws are going to be "proposed" but that is a loooooooong way off of enactment.
So what is the minimum standard of this new proposed law?. Do you have any numbers? I remember everybody freaking out when Ca started to smog diesels. It turned out to be just a visual opacity test that even a turn up engine could easily pass with flying colors. My 93 would pass a smog test easily even with a turned up pump.
As far as getting a smog test beyond a certain age we already have to do that in Ca. :h I have to get a smog test for my car when I bought it. No big deal. It passed, so no new news there. Diesels are even easier because it just a visual opacity test. Again, no big deal so I'm not sure why you seem to think this is anything new when we have been doing this for years in Ca to get our reg.
Not sure what your definition of big SUV is but lets see if I can help you out since you can't find one.
This Suburban is pretty big and pretty cool!Like the Excursion but think the 6.0 sucks? Think the 7.3 might get smogged in Ca and not pass? :R :B
Get one of these and your worries are over. :B
Another company that will make a dependable X.Consider yourself enlighten. :B :B :B
PS, I still would sure like the see the many, many, many, non bandaided up 500,000 6.0's.