Brettmm92 wrote:
I'm planning on Boondocking for a few months, plan to run my phone, some lights and hopefully my refrigerator on a 100 watt solar panel charging the Travel Trailer Battery for a short time job.
After looking around I really like the harbor freight setup how it comes with lights and the charge controller has usb ports directly on it which makes me think that for my use, I wouldn't even need a power inverter. But I am pressed for time and don't have access to a harbor freight. I am going to rely on amazon shipping.
But I see this on amazon and think it would be better cause of timely shipping but also I feel it would be more expandable in the future if I get serious about upgrading.
Amazon link renogy 100 watt Solar panel startup kit
I wish it was more like the Harbor freight where it came with lights and had usb ports on the charge controller as that's really all I need.
I was wondering if anyone had any insight on advice or maybe knows of a power inverter that would work for my situation.
I was also wondering if anyone knows if the harbor freight charge controller usb ports run directly from the panels or do they draw power from the battery or a mix of both. Specifically wondering when I could use lights from that. I could make a drive to a Harbor Freight but it really wouldn't be a cost effective or fun trip and it would suck if they didn't even have what I was looking for.
But I always appreciate y'alls input
Buy the 100W Renogy.
The HF kit you get FOUR 25W panels which means you have FOUR panels taking up MORE space, MORE to handle and MORE to connect via very cheap connectors/combiner mess which is not weather proof. The HF kit you get a dirt cheap controller which will not have additional settings.
You do not "need" the USB charging port on the controller, instead buy a regular 12V cig lighter plug charger.
You do not "need" that HF cheapo 12V bulb, it won't last and you can find much better lights.
You WILL in BOTH cases NEED to hook this up to a 12V battery, you cannot run devices directly for the solar panel.. The battery must be present and attempts to run without one will result in damage to your 12V equipment.
The Renogy uses standard connectors, you can buy ready made extension cables with connectors already on the them and you can expand your system by adding another 100W or even more panels any time.
There are some better prices than the Renogy if you search, if not in a kit with controller, you can sometimes get real bargains by buying panels separate from the controller.. That allows you to buy a more flexible and higher capacity controller.
But, I would really recommend steering away from the HF kit, it is a toy and even with coupons it is still a expensive toy.
Yes, there are folks who WILL STILL defend buying the HF kit, back in the early days the HF stuff was a deal, but now days it has been passed up and you can get a lot more wattage for a lot less money buying elsewhere.
HF has not kept up with the prices of panels, they sell individual 25W panels for $70, you can buy a off brand 100W panel on Amazon for $79.. FOUR times more power for $9 more!
You can buy 30A solar charge controllers on Amazon for $30.. 20A controllers for $20..
In reality, HFs kit should be priced no more than $100 without coupon and with 20% off coupon it would be $80, but, they have not kept up with technology and prices.. Instead they are asking $199.99 without coupon and 20% off coupon means you are paying $160..
I won't buy HF panels because of their pricing being so high and I have one only 15 minutes from my home!