Brettmm92 wrote:
After the few power inverter's I've looked at, this seems to be my favorite cause it comes with linkage and has other protections with it and has a good max watt to price ratio compared to others I saw- 1100 Watt inverter
Anyone care to share there information about a two 6 volt battery vs 12 volt? I like the convienence of the plastic battery case on the TT tongue seems like it's specifically made for the 12 volt but I keep reading/watching about this stuff and people always say that two 6 volt batteries are better
The inverter you are looking at is a modified sine wave unit. That means anything with an inductive load such as cell phone chargers may run much hotter and may consume more than the normally rated power. Motors won't be in love with it either.
The difference between 12 volt and 6 volt golf cart batteries, is that the 12 volts are not often true "deep cycle". The golf carts are--so they can endure cycling down to 50%.
If you want a battery that requires not much maintenance save your pennies and get an SiO2 which will allow 1500 cycles to only 20% state of charge.
The 12 volt you have now is likely a "marine" cycle where only the top 20% can be used. So although it says "100 amp-hours" probably only 20 may be used. Your furnace on a 1:3 duty cycle would use more than that.