Are you saying that welders used to run off batteries? And because batteries ran welders there's a potential risk of batteries malfunctioning and expelling that much energy? Is there an easy fuse or breaker setup that won't take any cutting up a wire? Like one that goes from the end of the charge controller wire and bolts to the battery? I'm wanting to not splice or cut up wires if theres another way.
And I was thinking having a setup of panels that lay flat on the roof but could be adjusted to around 45 degrees when no longer traveling to get better direct hit of sunlight would be superior even though it adds an extra thing to set up.
And would the batteries I plan to buy between 300 and 400$ for two high quality GC 6 volts be worth all that money? They are still lead acid and need to have maintenance but I could get three 12 volt 27DC batteries from wally world for cheaper than that (slightly over 300 with core charge). But everything I read seems to point out GC batteries being superior.
Walmart Battery