Gdetrailer, you have a good point about sams club. Unofrtunately it just wouldn't work in my situation as getting to one isn't an option. But I did find a great groupon for sams club that makes it only 35 dollars a year and comes with 30$ worth of "egift cards!"
groupon sams club memebershipBut if napa or the interstate dealer wasnt so close, my other options would be to go with 12 volt batteries or just do without. And I did get one of the higher end deep cell "they call it extreme cycle" batteries and the 400$ includes the core charge which seems to be hidden or not shown in advertising.
And I do the "workamping" thing so I'm kind of all in on using my trailer. The other option would to be without electricity, but now that I am really getting a feel for everything I'm pretty excited to set this stuff up.
Pianotuna, I can definitely see situations where I wouldn't want to get on the roof especially since I dont have a ladder and have to get creative to get up there. And another thing is that I can see situations where the parking won't cooperate with the angle of the panels.
Maybe I would consider the SiO2 batteries. But I do know that I'm selling my camper eventually so i's just not worth it to me. But the golf cart batteries seem to be a good fit.
And after looking for a fuse or breaker solution, I decided to buy these things, 17$ for 12 inline car like fuses that just need to be "butt crimped" to existing wires. Seemed like a cheap and easy solution that will enable me to put them on whatever I want and have a stash of leftover fuses if they do blow. Seems to be a pretty good deal. Don't I just need to put them on the positive end of things? Wouldn't putting one on a ground and one on a positive of something (like an inverter) be a waste?
inline fuses