Pianotuna, that would be a good solution especially since I'll have some to spare. But the one thing in the back of my mind is that if I end up doing that and it will allow 60 amps, or 720 Watts through (of course I am not going to intentionally provoke such a thing) does that test the safety that the fuse is there to provide in the first place? Forgive my bad wording of that. What do you think a realistic "danger" energy (any unit of energy) would be running through the wire? And the fuses are to protect the battery, right?
Opnspaces, that's some good advice. I'm glad you posted that because the light most convienent to add on the plug is right on the corner and I might have not thought of that as well. They even have small usb powered fans that make the idea even more appealing.
And I got the fuses that I got but I think something like this would have been the way to go-
Fuse box with screws