"This OP is a newbie asking...
IMO, if anyone has to ask, they do NOT have the background/experience/etc to understand the kinds of advice provided on these freebie forums...so my advice is always to go by their ratings (they have to do some home work, which includes weighing everything, axle by axle)
It is risk management decision they are going to make from the advice they get here and hopefully factored by their research into their specifications."
^ True words by Mr. BenK. And while I'm about as far from the weight cops on here as anyone, I can and do read into the context of the question and try to assess the person's knowledge or abilities and tailor my response accordingly along.
This leads some folks on here to think I'm talking out both sides of my mouth, but I'm more of a "hey hold my beer and watch this" person and a do as I say, not as I do. And I don't push that on anyone, except the bible thumper equivalent of weight cops, lol.