Forum Discussion

CAT_power's avatar
Jun 15, 2014

12v problem

Hey I have a 2005 gulfstream caviler fema camper. When I bought the camper it had a battery tray and connectors but no battery,so I put one there and hooked it up just incase I would loose electricity at least I would have lights. I was thee this weekend cleaning up and of course it's 90 degrees and the electricity goes out. We'll nothing 12v worked in the camper checked battery good voltage 12.3 to be exact. Checked all fuses all good. Little bit later the electricity came back on everything worked fine. Checked to see if Convertor was charging battery still only got 12.3 volts. It's like the battery is sitting there for no reason. I have also noticed since I bought it that if I turn on one or two light is fine but if I turn more on the lights dim and I hear the Convertor fan start.
  • If the trailer was wired correctly, there should be a circuit breaker or fuse within a few feet of the battery. Typical circuit breakers look like a small metal can. Some are auto-resetting, some aren't (have a small button to reset). If it's located on the lower part of the frame, it's in a prime area for rust and could lose connectivity. Check both sides for voltage, when powered.
  • Yes the battery is hooked up correctly and there are no blown fuses in panel.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    Anytime i read some has just hooked their battery I have to fall back on did it get connected correct;y.

    Find the word "NEG" or symbol '-' printed on the battery case and hand trace this battery cable and make sure it is the one that goes to the TRAILER FRAME GROUND close to the battery.

    If it has been connected wrong you may also have three other FUSE locations that needs checked.

    There may be a in-line fuse real close to the battery that needs checked. There is also two fuses in the 12VDC Distribution Panel that may read REVERSE POLARITY that needs checked.

    Once you get the battery connected correctly than replace these possible blown fuses. If you replace them before getting the terminals connected proper it will just blown them again.

    Roy Ken
  • If you check the voltage out of the converter/charger and it is higher than your battery voltage that you have measured, you know that there is a wire disconnected (may not be a switch) between the converter and the battery. Not always a fun task finding that break. Don't ask me how I know that.
  • I have had the camper for almost two years now. Have never seen a disconnect switch anywhere in it. But will look again.
  • You don't say how long you have had the trailer but you may have a battery disconnect switch that is turned off. When you have power everything works and the converter is running the 12 volt items but if you have a battery switch turned off your battery can't be charged (that is why battery voltage does not go up when you have power) and it can't power anything. I'd look for a switch. BTW, welcome to the forum.