Got a chance to work on her today and added some pictures to the
blog. I don't have to work tonight so if the weather isn't too bitter tomorrow, I might try to work some more then. I really would like to get the floor out and new wood under there. If you go to the blog, you'll notice that there is an area between the gray tank and the curb side that has unused space. I plan to run a 2X6 down that area all the way to the back as well as one on the outer curb side to shore up the rear end and try to eliminate the ass-sag that is so prevalent in these units. I know that I'm changing the look of this camper on the truck, but it sat down on the side rails and almost on the cab. I needed some head room. This will give me more headroom than I need and I am big on asthetics, but after the TT, I just don't want to go without the use of gray and black tanks. Everything is a tradeoff. I've weighed the advantages of one against the need for the other. I'm not sure it won't really look redneck, but after all - I'm just a farm boy at heart. -Carey