2cknights wrote:
First I have to figure out how to clean the roof. Mine has mold, mildew and even lichen growing on it in spots. I tried to wash it off the cabover right after I bought it. but the small lichen spots still show. The only place I've got them off is where I scraped the areas to be patched with a razor blade. I sure hope I don't have to do the whole roof that way, but if that's what it takes... I noticed from Sweet Tater's post, he's having the same problem. If anyone has a solution I'd sure like to hear it. Scotch Brite pads and Comet powder might work, I haven't tried that yet. BTW - Does anyone's spell check on this forum work? I don't think mine ever has.
Im gonna try to get on a ladder and presure wash the daylights out of it in the spring. only other thing I can think of is get it as clean as you can with bleach to kill mold and stuff and paint a base coat with kills. oh and yes my spell check works, I just ignore it more of the time.