New member here, found this thread while looking for info on these gems. I recently picked up this 1973 with Snap N Nap for $200! I bought it based off of a flattering picture on a local Facebook for sale site it turned out to be my fiances extended family whom I hadn't met yet and she hadn't been in contact with lately. They had purchase it a few weeks prior from people who were living in it while their house was being built? They decided to buy a pop up camper as this was too large for their truck so they said. I was a little bummed about its condition after getting there to pick it up but excited about it nonetheless. I knew enough about these to know I had to have it regardless. I have previously rebuilt a 33' fiberglass travel trailer including wall repairs, roof rebuilding and complete interior remodeling so I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty with this thing. I will do it justice one day! Right now trying to sort through it and make it usable for one trip in a few weeks to Tennessee for our honeymoon. The wiring appears to be a disaster and it needs gobs of cleaning, most of the plastic fixtures on the outside replaced, some trim fastened back down, and a new front window somehow. This one has a hole in it that's been duct tape patched. Some water damage from broken fridge vent (most of fridge cabinet and part of dinette affected) and the snap n nap has gotten wet through the top hinge area, it's side panels cracked and patched with more duct tape. The front window looks to have leaked in sometime before it was duct taped and done very minor damage there. Most things seem intact but not sure how much is functional. The furnace is missing. I have a 89 SunLite hideaway with a bunch of water damage as a parts donor. Plan is to get it together enough for this trip then later do full blown tear out and resto-mod. Have lots of ideas for that! She's got a lot of bruises and scrapes on the outside and the inside needs brought into a more modern era.
Here is the only two pics I have of mine at this moment. My friend helped get it home with his truck as mine is a dually. I have since made extension brackets to provide the height and width needed to get it into my truck which is a 96 Dodge 3500 "6x6" dually, Cummins of course, with many power mods, exhaust brake, 19.5" wheels and tires and Firestone air bags, it won't have a problem lugging around the unit...
Thanks for looking!

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