Here's another pondering, Wagonqueen, you guys had yours apart, but on the rear that upright near the door, that goes floor to ceiling, is there a matching one on the shower side?
If the 75 I'm looking at checks out, I plan to continue the previous owners work converting it to standard jacks, and I've been going back and forth over your blog on a good way to attach the rear jacks and I got to thinking, why not make a bracket that goes under the wing, like the old one, but extends down the inside edge to the bottom corner, where the lower leg band would tie in.
This way, its one solid piece of steel that is both bolted through that upright member and the plywood in the tail, but also under the wing like the original jack mount.
I have a set of Atwoods electrics on my old KIT that will be going on the Amerigo (as the KIT will be headed to the great campground in the sky). The current owner attached a set with swing out brackets on the front already, but left the rear jack mounts in place.
I plan to rebuild his front mounts so that they go up under the wing, as well as bolt through the front corners, much like the ones I have on the KIT do (Might be able to recycle those with a little reworking).