2012Coleman wrote:
Don't stick your head in the sand regarding weights. As advised, post the number from your door jamb sticker that states total weight of cargo and passengers not to exceed xxxx lbs.
And don't think that the show prices are the best deal you can make. Standard haggling point is 30 - 35% off the so called MSRP.
Don't make the mistake of getting into a how much payment you can afford and then extend financing. You'd be better off getting a loan through your own bank or credit union. If you do decide to take dealer financing, make sure you figure out what you will end up paying at the end of the finance period.
Be extremely cautious of paint/fabric protection plans and extended warranties. Jayco has a 2 year warranty.
I say forget MSRP totally, look at RVTrader and others and you can generally find out what the cheapest online prices in the country are for your unit, use 10% off that as your starting point for negotiations. Luckily for me for my unit one of the two cheapest dealers in the country was nearby and they had no problem doing a 10% off deal since it was November and they were happy to move a unit.