Forum Discussion

KAMPIN's avatar
Jul 10, 2023

2000 citation 9.2 grey water tank leaky its in the basement

My grey water tank is in the heated basement. The tank and fittings are approx 5ft away from the rear of the camper basement access door. Is there a way for me to access the fittings or do I have to cut a hole in the floor from underneath the truck camper.
  • I pulled the camper off the truck. Looks like a full sheet 4x8 and a partial sheet 14in x 48in. Looks like the sheets can be removed but due to end trim pieces and caulking I think my best bet is doing a small cut out. If it leaks again in the future then I won't have to pull the whole bottom sheet off again, besides that half the time the screws have stripped out the wood and I don't want to work on a 2500 pound camper that will be supported only by its lifting legs.
  • OK, I will have to pull the camper off the truck. I did look and it appears the sewer lines and the saddles that the tanks sit on are screwed to the bottom sheeting. Are the tanks fresh water, grey and black hung from the floor? Would the bottom sheet come off in several pieces?
  • Should be able to just remove the sheeting on the bottom of the camper and then everything should be visible.
  • Done. Moved to Truck Camper forum from Travel Trailers.