Forum Discussion

Shifty_85's avatar
Sep 07, 2017

2000 F250 7.3

Hey new to the forum had a few questions about my 2000 F250 that i will be using to pull my 31ft cardinal by cobra 5th wheel.

Picked up the truck last june with 38,000 miles on it for 7700.00 for the dealership i used to work for **no those are not typos**

2000 F250 ext long bed 4x4 7.3L i installed the reese 16K 5th wheel hitch **i think next time ill shell out the 300 dollars for install i couldnt feel my arms after drilling through the frame 8 times!!**

Mods i have so far are a hydra tuner and a muffler delete **i also have a 6.0L trans cooler but have not installed it yet.

The truck pulled the 5th wheel about 200 miles from where we bought it with no issues of power or stopping **has good trailer brakes and the hydra was in 80hp tow. Just looking to get some options and thoughts on what i can do to make this last while towing my 5th wheel.

1. Tires what are good tires for the weight im pulling.

2. Air bags in the rear? i found this kit and was wondering if it is worth the 600 dollars? **it would be nice to have an on board air compressor

3. what is a good aftermarket radio? looking for one that can play DVD's

4. In bed tool boxes that are flush or in bed / around the 5th wheel hitch? would be nice to have some extra storage but i know with the hitch in the bed there is not much extra room.

Any other suggestions to keep me running with as little to no issues? **i have a few parts that stay in the truck An extra CPS and a few wiring harnesses...i also have a fried GEM and PCM i would like to find where to send them to get rebuilt.**
  • Second for adding gauges. The tunes bring up the EGTs fast. Been there.

    Might check the UVC harnesses for cracks in the wiring insulation. They dry out and eventually cause the truck to run like **** or not at all.
  • Nice truck !

    My old (79 years old) neighbor has a 1999 F250 long bed 4x4 crew cab 7.3 with 97,000 miles on it. He bought it new in El Paso, TX and it is in perfect condition nothing wrong with it and not one spot of rust on it...PERFECT CONDITION !!. He doesn't drive it any more because of his eye sight it just sits under his car port here in NM. I drive it a few times a year for him. I have a 2014 F350 but I might have to buy that truck from him just because it is so nice for it's age.
  • Great truck... And yes the front leafs don't provide a smooth ride, but they sure can take a beating and come back for more.
  • That's a nice truck. One of the only Ford trucks I would own. First thing you should do is put gauges on it. Egt, boost, and trans temp. Air bags wouldn't hurt. Upgraded headlights if you drive at night. My 01 7.3 had poor headlights.
  • Yeah i was working there at the time as a mechanic time and i had talked to the new car guy about pricing out a 6.7L the cheapest bare bones one he could find was 40K way out of my price range. Then one day at lunch he pulled up with that and i asked him on the spot he said IDK prob 10K or less i said sweet then he said he got it down to 7750.00 out the door i said done and thanks.

    i asked why they only gave him 6K on trade in he said "Dude its a 16 year old truck"......yeah but everyone loves the 7.3's feel bad for the guy but the new car guy said him and his wife are retired and have 15...yes 15 cars and trucks and they were down sizing thats why he traded this in. im happy about it. It defiantly spent life in the Michigan winter roads/salt and sat out side the body is rusted out already but everything else seems fine.

    Yes they are very loud. i find the ride isnt to bad. Yes the turning radius is awful. lol. first time backing my 5th wheel up had a buddy as a spotter he yells out "Cut it back"...i yell "Its been cut back for the last 10 feet"

    Thanks for the tire suggestion ill check them out!
  • My dad has a 2000 F250 in supercab 4wd short bed form and he's pulled a little Nash 24-5N with it for the last 17 years with nary and issue. His is bone stock with a little over 100,000 miles on it. It's a really great truck with just a few minor quibbles - loud, terrible ride and terrible turning radius (the last two no doubt due at least in part to the front leafs). But overall it's awesome for a truck from that era.
  • I have a 2000 F-250 Crew cab with 7.3 with 225,000 miles on it and would not hesitate to drive it anywhere. I am on my second set of Nitto Dura Grapler and they are the best light truck general purpose tire I have found. They may have a little more road noise than some, but it is not too bad, and they make up for it in performance.
  • yes it is. When the new car guy brought it around told me what it was and how many miles i said SOLD! There was about 6 or 7 other mechanics looking at it and wanting to buy it. thought i was going to have to fight them all off lol i feel bad they only gave him 6,000.00 on trade in. Had he put it on CL for a weekend it would have went for 10-12K oh well im happy!!
  • 2000 was, in my opinion, the last good year of the 7.3L. After that, Ford switched to powdered metal connecting rods which would bend or crack with even mild tuning cylinder pressures.