Me too just last month. 202,000. I'll also state nothing major went wrong until the end of what would have been the extended warranty. It's my daily driver and work truck as well as my tow vehicle.
- cam chains, phasers, guides and solenoids , $3200
-front springs (yes, I said front!) and shocks, $900
- Trans cooler, radiator, bypass, valve body and converter (my fault for not changing coolant at the recommended mileage) $1200
- fuel module , $130
- two spark plug changes, $300
-Four sets of tires, $750
- AC compressor, $ 700
- two exhaust manifolds, $300 (dealer comp parts)
- diff cover and fluid $175
- 3 trans flushes, $450
- drive shaft and inter bearing, $600
- misc brakes, belts etc. and partridge in a pair tree, $800 ish.
I still like the truck but Ford could have done a better job in several areas. That 5.4 L runs great, just not enough to get it done while towing sometimes. Next time...F 250 and 7.3 L gas.