Forum Discussion

d0riann1's avatar
Oct 02, 2018

2002 Starcraft travel star electrical issue

I have a 2002 Starcraft travelstar ... the converter is not charging the battery.. replaced converter and still having same issue .. any advice ?
  • Fuse? I seem to feel your throwing parts at the problem without actually proving whats wrong. Start with the basics. Using a volt meter trace power starting with the 120VAC to the converter, then switch and verify 12VDC out of the converter.
  • Converter
    120V AC IN...13.2V DC OUT

    Battery Disconnect ON so battery is connected to DC System

    Battery POS Cable in-line Fuse (DC Circuit Breaker if used) TESTS good

    Battery Cables connected properly---hooked up backwards Reverse Polarity Fuses on Converter BLOW
  • All fuses and breakers are good ...when we use a battery charger to charge it full power in camper however shore plug not making converter charge camper
  • Is charging the battery the only thing it is failing to do? Do you have 120v power when plugged in to shore power? How about 12v lights in the camper?

    Do you have a multimeter?