Forum Discussion

darr's avatar
Oct 02, 2014

2006 Dodge Diesel problems

took truck in to dealer said all six injecters need to be replaced only $5000...LOL is it unusual for all to go bad at same time??? we told them to put it back together it will just have to sit here in the yard for a while...
  • 2006 doesn't mean high mileage.

    Some questions that if answered would provide better understanding.
    How many miles on your truck?

    What made you take it in for repair........what was issue?
    Have you had other fuel issues......lift pump/high pressure pump/fuel filter etc.?

    How often did you change fuel filter?
  • If it's high mileage (which, I imagine a 2006 is), replace them all at once. If you do one, you'll find yourself just doing them one at a time over the next little while.

    Good luck!
  • this is the dodge dealer we are dealing with..we told them to put it all back together and we are going to take it to a place we know that has worked on our other diesel truck and i know it will be less but still its exspensive...need to float a loan LOL
  • That's seems just a bit expensive. I found these injectors at a store I use for only $849. Can't cost 4 grand to have them installed. I don't have any personal experience with these injectors but others are probably close in price.
  • How many miles is a good question. If you have 100K then the dealer doesn't know what he's doing and is just shotgunning parts. If you have upwards of 300K, have increased fuel presures and never upgraded the filtering then it's more likely they're worn out.
  • How often did you change the fuel filter? How many miles on the truck? Something doesn't seem right - at least to me.
  • If they've all gone funny at once, it may have been due to fuel contamination. How are your filters? Have you had a fuel pump or lift pump self-destruct in the past?
  • If they're failing because of high mileage and more than one is bad, then yes, even though some of them may pas tests it's far better to replace them all at once.
    Also, remans are junk and you will more than likely have problems with them within a year or two.
    Contact a private shop that supplies NEW injectors. They are way better than remans. and are well worth the modest extra price.