Bird Freak wrote:
Forget the two here that don't want to really answer the question and just want to argue with each other. They may or may not get a life some day. Yes, some 6.0's had problems and yes there are many good ones out there. Next time your out look how many you still see on the road, there are a lot. If you listen to folks like restless who has never really owned one are had personal experience with one their should be none on the road as they were all junk.
Weed out the haters and check facts. I think you will be surprised what you see.
The number on the road has no bearing on the potential failure rate. You have no idea how many of those may have already been repaired or how many are sitting broken somewhere.
No, I do not own one but it's clear enough from MANY sources that this engine had a disproportionate share of issues compared to its competition. While some may blame poor maintenance or faulty repairs, that cancels out when you consider the same general public consumes all brands of engines with different outcomes.
Yes many people will have a trouble-free experience. It's all about the odds and whether that's something a person is willing to accept at the time of purchase. If the OP is someone who can afford the risk and is willing to keep after maintenance there may be some great deals to be had.