Forum Discussion

Beer_Belly's avatar
Jun 17, 2015

2006 Palamino for sale

At a neighbors house, parked under trees for 6 years, and exterior dirty....real dirty (Black) bunk end has been open on and off for days....the other bunk end closed, but material sticking out and water leaked in.....quick look, no visible damage.....but could not get a good look being we could not reach the bunk due to slide being closed and junk piled in the way The Slide doesn't work....owner sez "I think it's a fuse"....the entry steps are hanging and bent (hit by a snow plow)....the interior is nasty dirty with trash thrown around, mouse droppings, and stuff I couldn't identify. There was a torn up sleeping bag on the open, unsecured bunk end with a tea light candle ( makes no sense, unless you doing heroin or crack). The rear corner has been hit, and pushed in a couple of inches....broken taillight, and not sure if it's delamination, or from the hit, but something going on down that side of the camper. I talked to the owner, and told him, "Based on a non working slide, what is your asking price".....he said $8,300....slightly negotiable. what are your thoughts ?....should I bother offering $3,500 ??
  • Beer Belly wrote:
    he said $8,300....

    I'm sorry, but I would have honestly probably laughed in that guys face. Not intentionally to be mean, but I probably just wouldn't have been able to hold it in.

    I wouldn't touch that thing for $3,500. I saw a 2005 Jayco 25G with water damage around the A/C (everything else was clean and worked perfect) that was priced similar to that at a dealership.

    With all that you were rattling off, the max I would be willing to go would be he gave it to me for Free in return for hauling it off his property.
  • $8300? Is he nuts? You can buy a used one half that old for about that. I would walk away. Even at $3500 you may have a lot of work on your hands. And it doesn't sound like he'd go that low anyway.
  • I would make sure the roof and floor are solid. Should be a crank to open the slide. If tent ends are in bad shape or soft spots in roof or ceiling I would be concerned of other neglect and either walk away or make him guarantee frig and all electrical components are in good working order. Personally, I would walk away.