Ever since i put the external trans cooler in I noticed that the trans wasn't acting right. I figured it was just the wear and tear we had put on it on the two trips with the trailer we'd taken considering the 3.08's. I checked the fluid, and must not have completely removed the air bubble after the cooler install and top-off as I had to add another quart of fluid. Previously I had added about 1/2 quart. Amazing enough, once I added the additional fluid, I have had NO issues.
We pulled again the last two weekends over the pass to the coast and she pulled like a champ. It was 100F ambient at the top of the pass and even though the engine temp was creeping in the 230F range basis 2nd gear at 3000RPM and the AC on, the trans temp never hit 175F.
I decided to keep the trans in regular auto T/H mode and not play with the manual mode. I didn't have one issue going or coming.
I think the fluid did the trick on several fronts. I'm pretty happy about the set-up right now and don't think i'll be doing the 3.42's anytime soon. Although, I do want to pull up the Sierra's, we'll see how far I get. At 7mpg, it won't be far........