Forum Discussion

Gadawg13's avatar
Jul 22, 2014

2012 Camplite 13BHB

My wife and I have camped a couple times a year in a popup since 2001. However, I have the opportunity to purchase a 2012 Camplite 13 BHB TT below NADA "low retail" for around $12,000. Was wondering what some of you other Camplite owners think about this deal. Purchase or not? Any comments are appreciated.

  • If nothing's wrong with the camper, it sounds like a great deal!
  • From my research they appear to be one of the best made units on the market. MSRP is higher than most so you may be in the zone. Have all checked out before you buy. Happy for you
  • That sounds pretty low for a Camplite. They are pretty durable, so the couple of years of service shouldn't have taken much of a toll. Just check the caulking along the top seam between the bracket that hold the awning edge and the roof. The roof is aluminum so no problem there, but I had to re-caulk along that edge. Other than that, our 21BHS has been a great trailer. A web site for a dealer shows the MSRP for a 2014 13 BHB at $24,569: