I see diesel owners posting "You just don't understand till you have a diesel" all the time. What I don't understand is why diesel owners don't understand. They don't seem to understand how anybody could be happy towing with a gas truck.
My truck is rated to tow 12,500 lbs. My TT's GVWR is 7500 lbs. I'd say that's a pretty good match.
I have never felt like the trip took me two hours longer than it really did, and I have never claimed to "fly by " any diesel up a hill (See username :) ).
My trucks engine redline is 6,000 RPM, I hardly think 4200 is "thrashing" it, and in my new truck even at that RPM conversation with the wife is no problem.
You see I DO get it. Re-read my post above. It's just that my reasons for buying a gas truck are just that, MY reasons. The reasons you bought a diesel are YOUR reasons, and there is NO reason we can't both be happy.
I wish all of you the best with the truck of your choice, and I really mean that, and when my needs/wants change, as I said, you may see me in a diesel yet. I never say never.
To the OP, Sorry we drifted a little off topic. To answer your question; No problems at all with my 6.2 Super Duty.