mtofell1 wrote:
This whole thread is a joke, right? Okay, I'll play along..... I heard from my barber today that his neighbor's cousin works on a Ram assembly line and they have been using peanut butter to weld the seams on the wiring harnesses that hold the anti-lock brake sensors in place. I've listed my truck for sale on Craigslist for 10% of what I paid for it and am going to buy a Ford so my family and I are safe. Wow, am I ever lucky! I could have really been injured.
X2 General Mills has just recalled Cheerios cereal boxes 1.8 million of them... wonder if we can get Ford to make breakfast cereals... they never have recalls or cheated on emissions... Oh BTW Some Bible fellowship has predicted the end of the world on Wed Oct 7th, 2015... carp!! that's only a few hours away... so none of this matters anyways! :S