mtofell1 wrote:
This whole thread is a joke, right? Okay, I'll play along..... I heard from my barber today that his neighbor's cousin works on a Ram assembly line and they have been using peanut butter to weld the seams on the wiring harnesses that hold the anti-lock brake sensors in place. I've listed my truck for sale on Craigslist for 10% of what I paid for it and am going to buy a Ford so my family and I are safe. Wow, am I ever lucky! I could have really been injured.
You might want to get on the cummins forum, and see for yourself the track bar that broke loose. You are correct though on welds, the welds that broke on that track bar do resemble peanut butter with the amount of penetration on them.
I guess its a joke to some, but I think there is some potential safety issues . It has been pointed out, and as much as it doesn't make me feel any less aggravated about six recalls in 18 months, at least they are getting taken care before we COULD have an issue.